3 Types of Small Business Websites

What are the 3 types of small business websites?
If you own a small business, you probably already know how important it is to have a web presence. You may find that you don’t know where to start or even what style web design would be best suited to your business needs. It is important to educate yourself in the different types of business web styles. Not only is this necessary to properly promote your business online but it will also help make your decision easier and less confusing. Small business web site design can create a style that matches the look and feel of your business while giving you an eye-catching online presence.

Brochure style websites are similar in look and purpose to the print versions. This type of website might feature a history of the business, customer testimonials, as well as services and products offered by the business. The design should also include contact information and business hours. Most brochure style designs have a page with a history of the business’ experience. This type of website serves to inform the customer about the product or service they are interested in purchasing and why this business would be the best choice for their needs.

A brochure style website is a great choice for brick and mortar businesses or local service companies wishing to promote and sell their products online. Auto repair services, home maintenance services, local restaurants, and catering companies are just a few examples of businesses suited to this type of website design. Small businesses and individuals that offer workshops would find this style a great way to promote their classes. The web designer will typically use the brochure style to showcase the business’ products or services through attractive images, catchy phrasing, and well written product descriptions.

Magazine style websites engages the visitor and entertains them. The magazine style website is best suited to the business that uses affiliate marketing and blogs. Businesses geared toward a particular product or specific brand would not find this style appropriate to their needs. The magazine style features articles with general information and incorporates advertisements into the website that are related to the content. These ads are mostly placed on the right hand side of the website layout. Slideshows and images will often be found incorporated within the articles.

The use of articles, images and bite size bits of information makes the magazine style a good choice for businesses that market products by multiple manufacturers. A website focused on marketing items and services for cooks and cooking is an example of a site that would benefit from this style of web design. This website might feature general cooking articles, recipes and different types of kitchen gadgets rather than one specific brand of cooking product or manufacturer.

E-commerce style websites are the best fit for businesses that will primarily sell their products online. They are electronically organized in a similar style to retail stores with departments or categories. This allows the customer visiting the site easy navigation finding a specific product they are looking to purchase or lets them easily browse through the store’s inventory. The e-commerce site utilizes a shopping cart feature to collect the items as the customer selects them and has a final checkout with different payment methods for the customer’s convenience.

Knowing what type of style is best for the business and working with a web designer will ensure the small business owner get the most out of the design that is chosen. Web designers have the expertise and skills to guide the owner in making the right decision in choosing a web design that will highlight their business and products.

Your website is an entrance into your business; make sure that your small business web site design will leave a great first impression. Work with a web designer to get the right style and create an attractive online presence.